London is getting closer to being closed down. A selection of tube stations is being closed down. Services are being limited and Friday and Saturday late night services cancelled. Strange that only yesterday the BI was informed his advice was not working, but he denied he would enforce anything.
It is finally a sunny day. Spring appears to finally be srpunging. I decide to go for a walk on my way to the chemist, my cough is starting to settle down and I want to build my cardio ability back up.
Life still appears to be continuing as normal as it takes me about 5 minutes to get across the road due to the steady stream of “essential” traffic. I have a lovely peaceful, if muddy, walk through the local woods and call into the supermarket to use their facilities before getting to the chemist. I’m old and no longer have great bladder capacity!! A quick glance into the store reveals empty shelves. It’s around 3pm.
As I leave the store it gets me thinking. In using public facilities, I have opened a public door, used a public toilet and then washed my hands. After washing my hands, I had to turn the tap off, open the door again, then on leaving the store, I crossed the road using a pelican crossing, pushing the button for the lights to change. Almost immediately after washing my hands, I have probably already picked up germs. It is amazing how so many things you do in your daily life that you don’t even think about can spread infection.
The chemist has implemented their social distancing policy. There is green tape on the floor marking spots 2 metres apart for queueing and only 3 persons are allowed in the shop at all times. As I wait to be served, there are 2 people behind and another waiting outside. Another server comes to the counter and calls the next person in the queue forward. So much for social-distancing!
On my way back home, all the local businesses remain open.
Thursdays announcement: there is no announcement today. There is a press conference but not really any announcement. The BI* confirms that an antibody test to confirm if people have had the virus (and therefore are now immune) is in the works. He finally comes up with a projected timescale for the measures that are being put in place. He is confident that we can beat this in 12 weeks. I am not. Unless the measures are enforced. I see very little evidence of anyone taking any notice. In response to a reporter asking what he will do about those who are being laid off now, he urges businesses to “stand by” their staff and promises he will “stand by” the business. He still will not put any bans in place or enforce any restrictions, meaning many business have to carry on as normal, lay off staff, or face the very real prospect of bankruptcy as insurances will not cover them “following advice”.
People need help now. They are losing their jobs and the shops are empty. This government needs to step up NOW!
Asked about Brexit, he confirms it is all on track and he will not be pushing anything back. I cannot wait to see how that all pans out. The Government Brexit negotiator is confirmed has having Coronavirus.
My evening is spent video chatting with a friend. And it is so good to see her face and hear her voice.
*BI = Bimbling Idiot from Number 10